Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pictures of the flat to come.  Zoe is adjusting well.  We get a lot of light and Zoe loves to sunbathe in it :) We also found a great ice cream place in Turnham Green, a short walk from where we live.  We also walked over the London Bridge and explored the surrounding areas ...


Views off of London Bridge

The Old Operating Theatre.  It's housed in St. Thomas Church near London Bridge, which was first a church, then an apothecary and hospital/ER for the poor and women, then a theatre.  Very bizarre and cool.  Check it out:

Metal sculpture in foyer of St. Thomas/Old Operating Theatre.  You may not be able to see it, but the skull is made up of operating tools, saws, knives, scalpels ... Victorian surgery at its best!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're enjoying the adjustment. What's your Skype? I needed to replace my phone.
