Monday, August 27, 2012

Omaha Beach, Normandy

Matt's weekend trip abroad! A few weekends ago, Matt visited his mother and her husband Mitchell who were visiting friends in Omaha Beach and did a bunch of sightseeing, including the towns of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer and Bayeux, the Normandy American Cemetery, and the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux.  Matt also made sure to get his fill of delicious crepes, cider, and sorbet! 

Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach

Normandy American Cemetery
"Military Operations in Western Europe: 6 June 1944 - 8 May 1945"

"Here Rests in Honored Glory A COMRADE IN ARMS Known But to God"
(Gravestone for an unknown solider)
Town of Bayeux
Ham and cheese crepe with egg 
Market in Bayeux ... oysters, mussels, prawns ...
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux

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